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The Amazing Borate Trio Article

The “Amazing Borate Trio” is comprised of three rare Death Valley, California borate minerals:  Colemanite, CaB3O4(OH), Inderite, MgB3O3(OH)5, and Tunnelite, SrB6O9(OH)2. I use the word amazing because after perusing Melody’s Encyclopedia, I have found how they can be used together to support self-advancement.  Please know that these stones display a myriad of other properties, but I will focus upon how I use these high potency stones to advance my consciousness.

In a nutshell, self-growth entails releasing what we don’t want and creating what we do want.  More precisely and intimately it means releasing what we don’t want within ourselves, and replacing it with who we choose to BE.  Obviously our outer reality will reflect these processes, but the focus is always within us.  Self-growth involves three steps:  1) processing, feeling, understanding, knowing, and releasing what we want to change; 2) healing from what was uncovered in step 1; 3) creating/manifesting what we desire.  The “Amazing Borate Trio” assists us with each of these steps, and you’ll find that their energy feels quite different than the silicates or quartz family.

Colemanite is used with Step 1, assisting one in “looking” at and releasing what is not wanted within the self, while providing an excellent energy for renewal.  Melody specifically states that Colemanite “provides light to the darkness of one’s soul”.

Inderite assists with the healing in Step 2, as it allays anger, banishes discouragement, assuages fear, and frees negative thought patterns.  It is also a stone for the crown chakra. Its energy is over the top, and will heal the pain brought up during step 1!  You will love it. 

Tunnelite assists in the creation work of Step 3 since it provides a nourishment of energy and love for the operations of mental creation.  The energy of this mineral clears the way for the creation to occur and it also promotes creativity and achievement of one’s dreams.

With deepest gratitude to Mother Earth, it is my honor to have these stones and this information available for you.  After working with them, I hope you will come to agree that they are in fact amazing.


-Karen Kuk-Nagle

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