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Finding Your Soul

People often ask me what it is that I do in my private healing sessions. A simple way to describe the purpose of almost any healing modality is to release the blockages that are present and then create the energy of what is desired. This is in essence what I do using crystals, minerals, and Source Energy. This can be done in one session or a series of sessions.

For those dedicated souls who are truly seeking consciousness, I also teach Self-Mastery by working with them through their core life issues. In this process, I teach them the details of self-growth so they can gradually begin this deep practice and become adept in its use. The goal is to come to know, feel, and live a soul-filled life. This is my passion.

Unfortunately, we seldom find this kind of road map in our lifetime, and as you may imagine, there are many details to this work as you begin to apply it to your life. Therefore, my sessions are as unique as the client I am working with, and spontaneously arise from the needs that they have. For those who want information in their hands, I also include handouts to remind them of the techniques that have been given. What is more important than paper in hand, is the continuous experiences they have had in session using these skills. In time, the client is able to venture into difficult terrain independently, knowing that I am available for assistance when needed.

A client took the time to share her experience in working with me over a 6 month period of time, and I want to share it with you.

“When I first met Karen and began to work with her in sessions, I knew I was about to undergo a major transformation. Her amazing intuitive insight is immediately apparent, and her many gifts initiated very deep and profound soul growth in my life. I had been through psychological therapy in the past from qualified and licensed professionals, but truly, the work I have experienced from Karen's sessions tapped into the depths of my soul unlike any other therapy I've ever had. The other therapies have paled in comparison when it came to making true lasting changes in my life. I was truly blessed to have met Karen, someone so effective at drilling down deeply enough to get to core issues, and painful ones I might add. She is not only incredibly effectively at moving blockages and resistance out of the way, but she is also a patient teacher and taught me how to do this for myself. I am truly on the journey to becoming a conscious being thanks to Karen's loving and supportive energy!”

- Karen

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