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Selenite Article

Selenite crystallizes in a form resembling a fishtail, a curving horn, optically clear windows both large and small with perfect terminations, and long wands sometimes found with water bubbles. These forms usually come from Mexico.

Selenite is a mineral that comes in many forms. It crystallizes in a form resembling a fishtail, a curving horn, optically clear windows both large and small with perfect terminations, and long wands sometimes found with water bubbles. These forms usually come from Mexico. One can also find large clear slabs from Utah, crystals with brown hourglass inclusions that often cluster to form unusual shapes from Oklahoma, and 1 - 4 inch crystals from Wyoming with tiny little crystal shooting out in every direction. From the land down under (Australia) comes selenite that looks almost like surgical tools, orange-brown in color and also clear with black inclusions. Very large striated crystals come from Morocco. Within the last few years the technology has been developed to cut selenite into spheres, eggs, hearts and wands. The outcome is magnificent with beautiful cat’s eyes resulting in most pieces. I’m sure selenite comes in even more forms. These are just the ones that I know about to date.

Chemically selenite is a hyrdrous calcium sulfate with a hardness of 1.5 - 2 on the Moh’s scale. This means that selenite is so soft it can be scratched with a fingernail. These many forms, as well as the softness of selenite, give some insight into its properties.

Katrina Raphaell has stated that selenite is one of the four "Predominant Power Stones of the New Age". She feels that it assists one in transmuting the laws of physical reality. Think once again of all the forms it takes! She has literally seen selenite bend before her eyes. This doesn’t mean that we have to be "airy fairy" about selenite. Instead try thinking about this quality in terms of illusion. Remember in one of those Indiana Jones movies where Harrison Ford has to cross what looks like a huge gaping canyon. He has faith and steps out into the enormous abyss and finds his foot firmly intact with a horizontal surface. He’s not falling to his death; rather the canyon is an illusion. I’m sure you have had experiences in your own life where you were facing the abyss. When you took the courage to face the issue, the situation just fizzled. Selenite teaches us that what we think is reality is in fact an illusion.

Once we begin to become conscious of the fact that the physical realm is illusory, or the Maya of Divine Mother in eastern terms, our spiritual feelings can be activated and that is what selenite does. It can then be used as a sharp sword of awareness (remember those wands and surgical tools), cutting through unconscious assumptions and promoting the re-connection between the conscious self and the mystic which lives within the super-conscious as author, Melody, states.

Selenite also provides flexibility to one’s nature (remember it’s bending, curving, and softness), while giving strength to one’s decisions. It allows access within the physical body to understand disorders and provide information for a cure. It also aligns the spinal column. I had an enhydro selenite wand that was 18 inches long. I was instructed to hold it in front of me in alignment with my spine prior to facilitating a healing session. I was told that this would prepare me for the session by centering and opening me. The wand has since broken in two, because now I need it’s energies in both of my hands!

As you can see we have many choices when it comes to working with selenite, just as we have many choices in creating our lives.

- Karen Kuk-Nagle

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